Alex Bromley

just call me bromley

I've been passionate about strength training ever since I realized that a heavier squat was the ticket to not getting knocked around on the high school football field. Few things teach structure and discipline so well while also giving such awesome and easily recognizable returns; it has been my privilege for the last 20 years to be able to pass these lessons onto others.

I believe every person should have competitive goals as part of their day-to-day life. Whether directed towards the platform, towards yourself, or towards other parents at the bake sale, the stakes that come from committing to competition bring out an instinct in people that they won't otherwise find, and I think it a shame to live a life without experiencing that. My competitive outlet from the start has been Strongman and my love of figuring out how to do things I'm really bad at (most of it) has landed me an invite to every professional level show available to the 105kg class in the United States. Most notably was a 5th place finish out of 25 international competitors at World's Strongest Man in 2019, something both I and my high school coaches would have never thought possible at the start.

That just goes to show that no one is better off assuming that they aren't talented enough, tall enough or young enough to compete. As long as you are driven by a passion for what you do, the years of showing up and figuring it out on the fly will amount to cumulative growth... growth far beyond that of the average human, who doesn't like to be away from the dent in their sofa.

My full-time job is now writing, filming and posting about strength stuff; being able to support my wife Laura and son Theo by doing this is a gift I'm certain was meant for someone else. My hope is that this work contributes to some part of your journey. Getting stronger is great, but it's really something if it's attached to a journey of self-discovery that teaches grit and proves your durability. It's a blessing to have a life so cushioned that we can use physical exhaustion to teach these lessons, rather than being forced to experience exhaustion as a survival necessity. May your gratitude and serenity influence your training as well as those around you, and may the result be physical strength that is matched only by your character.

Bromley Family Picture

old-school training

cutting edge capability

intense personalization

taking your training to the next level has never been easier.